Premium molleton pad

BODYPUR® Matratze

Protect and enrich your sleeping experience with BODYPUR® molleton toppers. These high-quality protective covers are specially designed to protect your mattress from soiling and wear and tear while increasing sleeping comfort. Thanks to the careful selection of materials and sizes, our molleton mattress protectors offer a perfect fit for every mattress. They are compatible up to a height of 30 cm and remain crease-free thanks to precise assembly. The molleton pads are washable at 60°C and suitable for tumble drying, which makes care easier and always ensures a hygienic sleeping environment. Rely on BODYPUR® to ensure durability and hygiene without compromising on comfort and aesthetics. Immerse yourself in a fresh and protected bed night after night.

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60 °C Washable

Creates a good sleeping climate

High air permeability

Tencel Satin cover


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Was Kunden wirklich denken - Transparente Einblicke.

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Die können's einfach: Sehr wissend und erfahren, extrem kundenfokussiert und zuhörend. Hier ist "Schlafen" kein Produkt, das sich in Stück Matratze, Tellerrahmen und Kissen ausdrückt, sondern ein ganzheitliches Lebensgefühl. Mit das kostbarste, was man hat; so wird es bei BODYPUR® auch behandelt.
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Tolle Beratung und dazu Top-Qualität. Gut gebettet & erholt zu sein ist traumhaft. Absolut zu empfehlen!
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After having believed in my memory foam mattress for many years, we finally made the move to buy this spectacular mattress. Living in the UK, finding a customizable mattress solution has been tricky, however Bodypur offered the perfect solution not only size-wise, but tailored to our individual sleeping habits as well. A few months in, never had a more revitalising sleep. Highly recommended!