About us


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Discover BODYPUR® – innovation and comfort for your sleep

At BODYPUR® we are committed to the mission of transforming your bedroom into an oasis of peace and well-being. Since our foundation, we have specialized in the development of high-quality sleep systems that not only impress with their design, but also with innovative technologies. From the unique composition of our mattresses to our breathable comforters, every product is designed to give you the best night’s sleep. Get to know us and find out how passion, quality and sustainability go hand in hand at BODYPUR®.

Many people today suffer from sleep disorders, lack of energy and back problems due to the fast pace of life. It is not uncommon for the body and mind to be unrefreshed despite several hours of sleep. One of the main causes of this is an incorrect, outdated sleep system that is not adapted to the characteristics of each individual person.

Sleep research has shown that a back-friendly, comfortable mattress should be neither too hard nor too soft. During use, it should be elastic, pressure-relieving and have a stable structure. The foam quality (type, formulation and density) is responsible for this requirement.

As a result, Andreas Steffen developed the BODYPUR® mattress in 2012, a mattress made from a high-tech foam based on MDI foam with the addition of soybean oil. Since then, the BODYPUR® sleep system has enabled more than 10,000 people to enjoy restful and regenerative sleep, because it is – YOUR SLEEP!

In 2023, we took another significant step forward when Constantin Unger joined the company. Constantin joined the company with the aim of marketing BODYPUR® nationwide, revitalizing the brand and supporting Andreas in expanding the BODYPUR® brand. His fresh ideas and extensive experience in sales & marketing are an asset to BODYPUR®, with the vision that even more people can enjoy the benefits of our BODYPUR® sleep system.




Was Kunden wirklich denken - Transparente Einblicke.

Lucas Ellmer
Lucas Ellmer
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Die können's einfach: Sehr wissend und erfahren, extrem kundenfokussiert und zuhörend. Hier ist "Schlafen" kein Produkt, das sich in Stück Matratze, Tellerrahmen und Kissen ausdrückt, sondern ein ganzheitliches Lebensgefühl. Mit das kostbarste, was man hat; so wird es bei BODYPUR® auch behandelt.
Jan Essig
Jan Essig
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YOUR SLEEP trifft es auf den Punkt! Diese Matratze ist ein Segen für den perfekten Schlaf
Jerome Assauer
Jerome Assauer
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Top Produkt, top Service. Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, sich einmal beraten zu lassen. Vielen Dank
Isabel van Lessen
Isabel van Lessen
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Sehr gute fachliche und überaus freundliche Beratung. Meine Schlafprobleme sind Vergangenheit! Ich kann Bodypur nur empfehlen! Herzlichen Dank!
Christopher Hebbel
Christopher Hebbel
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Ich bin nach wie vor begeistert! Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team!
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Erstklassige fachliche Beratung von A bis Z! Seit meinem Schlafsystem von BODYPUR® schlafe ich endlich wieder durch und starte erholt und frisch in den neuen Tag!
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Bodypur Schlafsysteme stehen nicht ohne Grund für hochwertige Qualität, Komfort und YOUR SLEEP. Die positiven Auswirkungen auf meinen Schlaf merke ich jeden Tag!
CK 911
CK 911
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Tolle Beratung und dazu Top-Qualität. Gut gebettet & erholt zu sein ist traumhaft. Absolut zu empfehlen!
Martin Flint
Martin Flint
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Nicht nur großartige Produkte allererster Güte sondern auch die freundliche und fachkundige Beratung, die man anderenorts so oft vermisst. 100% Empfehlung.
Denys Z
Denys Z
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After having believed in my memory foam mattress for many years, we finally made the move to buy this spectacular mattress. Living in the UK, finding a customizable mattress solution has been tricky, however Bodypur offered the perfect solution not only size-wise, but tailored to our individual sleeping habits as well. A few months in, never had a more revitalising sleep. Highly recommended!


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